Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Idea for Another Quilt

Look at this cotton fabric I found at Wal-Mart.  I love these colors.  I only got 2 or 3 yards (my memory is so poor I can't even remember what I ask for as it has been a few weeks back).  But my thoughts are to scan the chickens and to look for cotton fabric to match them and applique them to a block.  I'm thinking maybe doing free motion in a chicken wire.  Maybe a black thread on a white back ground.  I'm not sure how I am going to incorporate this fabric into the whole layout but I'll have to figure out something.

This will be sometime down the road as I have three denim quilts that I have to work on.  Going to do one for my sister and two more grandchildren that need one.  

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bacon and Boys

Bacon & Boys what can I say.  My boys love it.  They come to the skillet before it ever gets to their plate.  I have 4 grandsons and one great nephew and when they all come this is our go to breakfast.  And they carry off pieces and I let them.  Something I never would have allowed when my girls were coming up but that is just one of the special things I do with the grand babies.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Great News and Staying Busy

 Had some great news come in from my doctor regarding my last colonoscopy.  I have a really small ulcer possibly around the site where my colon was nicked during my kidney surgery but all of my biopsies came back clean.  How great is that! 

Early detection is key folks.  So please go have your test ran.

And I have been staying busy at my denim quilting.  I have been processing the old jeans and now I have a nice big box of denim material to work up.  I am so excited.  It does not take much to make me happy.